Are you trying carrying the message?

Are you trying carrying the message? from Big Book Sponsorship

GNN Note – As we have said for years…when one kicks Jesus Christ to the curb, bad things tend to happen. If you attend an AA meeting, in a church, and people tell you not to use the name of Jesus Christ – IN HIS HOUSE – that’s going to turn people away. Jesus wants us all to be in His fold. The ministry of Jesus Christ is specifically for the broken, for the “lepers” of society, for the ones who are hurt in the deep-down. Celebrate Recovery welcomes Jesus Christ to the conversation and is growing, growing, growing…hmmm. / END

I am responsible. When anyone, anywhere reaches for help, I want the hand of A.A. to always be there and for that I am responsible.

BOX 459 provides a report every year on the estimated number of members in the U.S., Canada, Correctional facilities and Outside U.S. & Canada. Regretfully, for the first time in the history of Alcoholics Anonymous, BOX 459 is reporting a decline in the number of members in our Country. It has happened within the last decade. Here are the stats:

[give_form id="52655"]
Year Number of Members Percent of Change
1987 727,145
1988 778,045 7.0% increase
1989 835,489 7.4% increase
1990 896,033 7.2% increase
1991 1,012,623 13.0% increase
1992 1,079,719 6.6% increase
For the 5 year period from 1992 to 1997 — only a 7.3% increase or, less than 1.5% per year.
1997 1,158,850
1998 1,166,079 0.6% increase
1999 1,166,927 negligible
2000 1,161,436 (0.5%) decrease
2002 1,160,651 (0.1%) decrease
2003 1,168,990 0.7% increase

When we could say, “Rarely have we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path”, those who spoke in meetings were those who could honestly say, “Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics and practice these principles in all our affairs”.

Are you trying to carry this message or are you using our meetings as a place to air your issues, complain, talk about “my day,” “my way” or express your ideas and opinions? If you haven’t recovered, what do you have to say that could help a newcomer?

Gratitude is what we do to show our Heavenly Father how much we appreciate what He has and is doing for us by trying to pass our miracle on to the ones who still suffer.

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